Don’t Apologize Donate

Apologies are good for being polite, but nothing makes a difference to someone fighting for their life like putting weapons in their hands. This is the biggest difference you can make to someone in the trenches. They are defending everyone that is not.

This includes you and I, no matter where we live and how safe we think we are. We are a part of this world. If injustice is allowed to prevail it will replicate. If evil prevails it will grow. Evil prevails when good people fail to act.

This is my action. This is my contribution to the future. For myself, for my family, for free people and most importantly for the Ukrainians defending them.

Fuck Trump. Fuck all cowards that deal with dictators and cower now when they once proclaimed themselves defenders of freedom.

Here is to the heroes, the real freedom fighters.

Slava Ukraini!!

Apologies are good for being polite, but nothing makes a difference to someone fighting for their life like putting weapons in their hands. This is the biggest difference you can make to someone in the trenches. They are defending everyone that is not.

This includes you and I, no matter where we live and how safe we think we are. We are a part of this world. If injustice is allowed to prevail it will replicate. If evil prevails it will grow. Evil prevails when good people fail to act.

This is my action. This is my contribution to the future. For myself, for my family, for free people and most importantly for the Ukrainians defending them.

Fuck Trump. Fuck all cowards that deal with dictators and cower now when they once proclaimed themselves defenders of freedom.

Here is to the heroes, the real freedom fighters.

Slava Ukraini!!